September is the perfect time to get your fall furnace tune-up done, thanks to the nice weather and the fact that winter is just around the corner. Fall officially starts on September 22, 2024, so why not take care of your furnace now? At Eastland Heating & Cooling, we totally understand how important it is to keep your home warm and cozy when the seasonal chills set in. So, as a homeowner, if you want to make sure your furnace is ready for the upcoming season, now’s a great time to book your tune-up and safety check!
You Should Book Your Fall Furnace Tune-up in September:

- Because of the Weather: With fall arriving, it’s the perfect time to think about getting your furnace tuned up. Why September, you ask? That is a great question! We recommend this because when our skilled NATE-certified technicians come to your home to service your furnace, they need to turn off the heating completely for a safe and thorough inspection. So, with the weather being just right this month, it’s an ideal time for this HVAC service!
- Because of the Scheduling Aspect: Additionally, September is the perfect time to get your furnace inspected and serviced! The rest of the year, HVAC repairs and upgrades are in high demand, but as fall kicks in and the need for air conditioning drops, things slow down a bit. This means it’s a great opportunity for you to book that important furnace tune-up and safety check at your convenience. So why wait? Beat the rush and snag your appointment now!

- Because of the Winter: It’s also good to keep in mind that as the leaves start changing colors, we can’t help but think about winter right around the corner. We all know how long Ohio winters can feel, so getting ready early is definitely a smart move! As those chilly months approach, it’s a great idea to schedule a furnace tune-up. You’ll want your heating system ready for Ohio’s tough winter weather. The last thing you want on those cold nights is a furnace that isn’t working—it’s such an easy fix by just booking a fall inspection!
- Because of Safety Reasons: Last but not least, safety is super important! Before you really start cranking up your furnace this season, make sure it’s still in line with the latest safety regulations. That’s just one more reason why September is the best time for furnace maintenance. Trust us, you’ll want to have it checked out sooner rather than later! Did you know carbon monoxide poisoning tends to rise in winter because we use our furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines more? That’s why the National Safety Council strongly suggests getting your furnace and any coal-burning appliances serviced annually by a certified tech. Keeping up with your maintenance checks can help prevent hazards, keep your family safe, and ensure your home stays cozy all winter long!

In a nutshell, we at Eastland Heating & Cooling really recommend getting your furnace tune-up scheduled for September—it’s the best move when feasible! But hey, we get it, life happens, and plans can get delayed. If September passes you by, don’t stress! It’s totally fine to book your furnace service in October or even early November. Better late than never, right?
Bonus Reason –
The Manufacturer’s Warranty: Just a friendly reminder—regular furnace maintenance checks are key to keeping your manufacturer’s warranty intact. This is yet another great reason as to why you should make sure this specific HVAC service gets completed this year.
Call Eastland Heating & Cooling today at (614) 861-5203, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!